Welcome to Sloop! Thanks for checking out Sloop. I have found this program to be an indispensible tool in my own work on the Mac, and I hope that you will find it useful as well. Press the "Next" button above to find out what Sloop does. If this is your first time using Sloop, you may want to check out the "productivity strategies" section of the "questions and answers" help topic. It contains some useful tips on customizing Sloop. How to use the online help facility To get help on a particular topic, choose that topic from the popup menu above. If you have questions about a particular thing (such as a menu item or something in a dialog box), press command-?. The cursor will turn into a question mark. As long as the cursor is a question mark, anything you select will open the help facility to information about the selected thing. You can also turn on balloon help from the standard help menu (or by pressing the "Help" key on an extended keyboard) to get less detailed information on dialog box elements and menu items. The Sloop Sail, Sloop Rudder, and this documentation are ©1997 Graham Herrick All Rights Reserved Icons by Mamiya Natsuki. Some code for the slider control is very loosely based on "Tiger Slider" by Robert L. Matthews, ©1995 Tiger Technologies as found in "A Fragment of Your Imagination" ©1995 Joseph M. Zobkiw. Apple, ResEdit, Power Macintosh, Mac, and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. MacOS, Finder, Balloon Help, and System 7 are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. PowerPC is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Sloop, Sloop Sail, Sloop Rudder, Quadratic, and the Quadratic Software logo are trademarks of Graham Herrick. Other brand names, software titles, company names or products mentioned in this documentation are registered trademarks, trademarks, or tradenames of their respective holders.